Golf Courses Maintenance

Golf Courses Maintenance


What Is Golf Course Maintenance?

  • Golf course maintenance refers to maintenance activities done to keep course resources in good working condition. It includes repairing and replacing club assets, mowing and chemically treating turf, eliminating ball marks, improving playing conditions, and more. Behind the scenes of every clubhouse are workers inspecting irrigation systems, checking the water quality, and maintaining golf carts.

What Chemicals Are Used To Maintain Golf Courses?

  • Golf superintendents use a variety of chemicals to keep away unwanted pests and weeds. Treatment substances, frequency, and methods will vary widely depending on golf course climate and location.

Daily Tasks Of Golf Course Maintenance Workers Include:

  • Raking bunkers, trimming grass, and watering roughs
  • Applying disease inhibitors and growth enhancers to grass
  • Grading and preparing courses bases and laying sod
  • Seeding tees, fairways, and greens
  • Using hand tools to excavate and backfill trenches
  • Trimming trees and cutting weeds
  • Cleaning golf course equipment

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